A wheel full of luck
A wheel full of fortune Making children smile The CBN aid organization Operation Blessing has been working together with the children’s aid organization Die Arche for around four [...]
The aim of our work is to keep families together and create opportunities for strong, sustainable communities. We do this through six key areas: education, nutrition, discipleship, community change, strong families and anti-trafficking. Help provide children with a successful future.
Orphan’s Promise meets the emotional, physical, social, spiritual and educational needs of orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide with the love of God. The CBN children’s ministry has 450 projects in over 70 countries, reaching approximately 115,000 children. Orphan’s Promise is established in Germany since 2020.
The aim of our work is to keep families together and create opportunities for strong, sustainable communities. We do this through six key areas: education, nutrition, discipleship, community change, strong families and anti-trafficking. Help provide children with a successful future.
Orphan’s Promise meets the emotional, physical, social, spiritual and educational needs of orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide with the love of God. The CBN children’s ministry has 450 projects in over 70 countries, reaching approximately 115,000 children. Orphan’s Promise is established in Germany since 2020.
Bei Umweltkatastrophen, Kriegausbruch und weiteren humanitären Desastern unterstützen wir mit Ihrer Spende vorort mit Hilfsgütern und Arbeitskraft.
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Your donation to CBN Germany is tax deductible.