Superbook – The Bible Adventure Series for the Whole Family!
You can look forward to
Superbook brings the exciting stories of the Bible to life! The characters, Chris and Joy, al0ng with Robot Gizmo, travel the globe with Superbook and discover the stories of the Bible, from creation to revelation. The adventures are not only exciting and entertaining, but also teach the children Bible truths and values. They also learn something applicable for their own lives with each episode. So far, there are three seasons, each with 13 episodes in the German market.

FSK recommendation: From 6 years
Superbook Season 1

In Season 1, children and adults can travel through the entire Bible through 13 succinct stories. Included are the classics of biblical stories such as “The Ten Commandments” or the fight of “David versus Goliath”. In the four stories, “The First Christmas,” “True Wonders,” “Who Is the Greatest?” And “Risen,” the focus is on Jesus’ life, telling the story of his birth, the Passionate, and his resurrection. “Escape to Damascus” deals with the conversion of the Apostle Paul, and “The Final Battle” casts a glance into the last book of the Bible, Revelation.
Superbook Season 2

In the second season, CBN 2017 expanded the range of biblical stories with popular classics such as Noah’s Ark and the Story of the Prodigal Son. In addition, stories of the Bible have been included that are not treated as often in children’s bibles or in children’s services. These include e.g. the story of Rahab, who, at the risk of his life, saved the life of Israeli scouts, or Job, who in his own great grief held fast to his trust in God. The story of Gideon, who needed an extra invitation to find his vocation and in the end was hailed as Israel’s Liberator, is also told in Season Two.
Superbook Season 3
The 13 episodes of Season 3 play mostly in the Old Testament. There are two episodes in which the prophet Elisa plays a role: in the healing of the Syrian Naaman and in the attack of Syrian troops on Israel. But there is also the touching story of Ruth and Boaz, and Nehemiah’s steadfastness in rebuilding Jerusalem. Particularly exciting is the story of the Tower of Babel, in which the bow is beaten at Pentecost. Additonally, the “classic” story of the Good Samaritan.
Superbook Season 4
Superbuch takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo on 13 exciting adventures into the time of the Bible. The three of them meet Joshua and Caleb, King Solomon, the prophets Elijah and Jeremiah, Jesus and his disciples as well as the apostle Paul. They learn about the faith of well-known biblical figures and experience first-hand how God works in the lives of these people and their surroundings – and also in their own lives. It is particularly moving how Chris gets to know his grandfather’s favorite prayer: the Lord’s Prayer.
Superbook Season 5
Superbuch takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo on 16 new thrilling adventures into the time of the Bible. You can expect exciting encounters with Moses, the prophet Isaiah, the tax collector Zacchaeus, Paul and, of course, Jesus. Our friends will learn about topics such as doubt, true discipleship and grace. They will witness the Sermon on the Mount and learn how to hold on to God even in difficult times. There is also another special event coming up: Chris and Joy are getting baptized.
Superbook Family Discussion Guide
All Superbook episodes are accompanied by discussion guides with questions and Bible passages to help you explore the 3 main themes of the episode with your children. Download the additional material here for free! (Materia available in German.)
Superbook for children’s services –
The Church Edition

For the first season of Superbook there is also accompanying material for children’s services. Devotions and game suggestions around the Superbook episodes help Kigo employees to create varied hours.