Superbook is an animated series from CBN for kids. It is a remake of the successful CBN cartoon series from the 1980s. CBN wants to inspire a new generation for God and the Bible with exciting adventures around Bible stories. Currently there are four seasons with 13 episodes available in the German market.
Superbook brings the exciting stories of the Bible to life!
Characters Chris and Joy, along with Robot Gizmo travel the globe with Superbook and discover the stories of the Bible, from creation to revelation. The adventures are not only exciting and entertaining, but also teach the children Bible truths and values. They also learn something applicable for their own lives with each episode.
How Superbook originated
In 1981, Superbook was first released as a cartoon series in Japan. At the time, no one knew what impact the series would have on children around the world. Many children sat in front of the screens night after night watching Superbook at prime time on Japanese television. The Bible became the best-selling book in Japan at that time.
In 1989, Superbook was then broadcast in the Soviet Union. During the broadcast, CBN received thousands of letters from children. A whole generation came into contact with the message of God’s love through Superbook.
After Japan and Russia, Superbook spread further and further into the world. More than 500 million people watched the 52 episodes, which were translated into 43 languages and broadcast in 106 countries.
Reissue as an animation series
The new edition of the children’s series classic was designed in 2013 as a modern animation series and inspires not only the young audience with its high-quality and loving design. Together with a team of artists, formerly involved in films such as The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan, the remake was developed from Emmy® winners.