Your generosity transforms lives forever

The “Courage Builder project”

People’s lives are changed through your support: An impressive example of this beneficial work is the ‘Courage Builder Project’ of the Christian children’s and youth organization, Arche Jenfeld. A program implemented in cooperation with CBN Germany. Arche Jenfeld was founded in 2006 after a seven-year-old girl starved to death in the Jenfeld area of Hamburg. Children and young people who are growing up in a socially disadvantaged environment receive assistance there. Almost half of all households in Jenfeld, receive social benefits and about 70% of them have an immigrant background. Since its inception, Arche Jenfeld has developed educational and tutoring programs. In addition to free food, food distribution and clothing donations, children are supported in their daily lives. Thanks to this partnership, 30 young people from the Courage Project were able to celebrate their graduation from school this year.



Above all, Anna*, a student from Eritrea, embodies the spirit of this change. She had previously been told by a teacher that she would probably not be admitted to the final exam. At the beginning, she was insecure. At the Courage Builder Project she not only received tutoring, but was also able to participate in learning camps, which were primarily intended to prepare students for their final exams. The staff accompanied and supported her for two years.

“I know you are on my side!”

“When my teacher said I might not get the chance, I wanted to cry. But then I remembered that there is still God and God has good plans for me. If He wants me to get my graduation certificate, then no teacher can stop me! And I have the Arche! Do you know that this house is like a fortress for us teenagers? You protect us and stand up for us. I know you are on my side!” A few days later, she received word that she could take the exam because the teachers could see how hard she worked for it. “It was only GOD!” she testified. Anna not only managed to graduate, she could also feel God’s work in her life.

These are just two of many examples where people’s lives are being changed for good. Your compassion through your prayers and financial support brings about change in people’s lives. Every donation, large or small, helps improve people’s lives and spread blessings. CBN Germany would like to thank you for your generosity, which has a positive impact not only here at home, but also in faraway countries. Through your commitment, you are sowing seeds whose fruit has eternal value, which will not return empty: “The rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there without giving water to the earth. This makes plants grow on the earth and gives seeds to the planter and bread to the eater. So, My Word which goes from My mouth will not return to Me empty. It will do what I want it to do and will carry out My plan well.” (Isaiah 55:10-11)

Thank you so much for your support. You make a difference!

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* for data protection reasons we changed the name

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