Now I can love God


Help for refugees in Athens


Since some escape routes across the Balkans have been sealed off, many refugees end their journey in Greece. Instead of finding protection and help, they live in misery in camps on islands such as Lesbos or Kos or on the outskirts of Athens. In 2023, most of the new arrivals came from Syria, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Operation Blessing has been supporting the Helping Hands team in Athens for four years. In March, the humanitarian team from the CBN aid organization visited its Partner.   

Lara lernt HandarbeitHelping Hands has been helping refugees stranded in Greece for three decades. They distribute food in the camps and open their rooms in the center of Athens for other services. Wednesdays are Women’s Day, for example. This is when courses are offered to promote handicraft skills and abilities.

Numerous women gather around tables and make carpets from yarn made from recycled T-shirts. As well as developing their skills, they are also learning how to recycle and upcycle fabrics. Women support women so that they can generate their own income if necessary.


Fatemeh’s escape from Iran


One of the women who teaches the others is Fatemeh. She herself fled Iran with her son six years ago. As a Kurdish woman, she belongs to a minority group that is severely restricted by the Iranian government. She was also forbidden to live with her son, as a woman was not allowed to bring up her son alone. She therefore initially fled with him to Turkey. Here she met Christians. They took her to a church service where people spoke freely with God and celebrated him in praise in a way she had never experienced before. Here she accepted Jesus as her Savior. Then her escape continued to Greece. “The first two months were really hard. The two of us lived in a room with no light. Friends advised me to keep the doors and windows closed so that the police wouldn’t catch me.”


Jesus was a real salvation for her


At some point she went out and found a church where they spoke Farsi. A friend also told her about Helping Hands. She received material help there, but she was particularly touched by the fact that she felt recognized and accepted – as a person, as a woman. The staff cared about her, and her son, and she was finally able to ask questions that had been contemplating for a long time without being judged. “I had no problem believing that Jesus was the Messiah.” Jesus was a real salvation for her. Today, she passes on her knowledge to women who have experienced similar things. She helps them to overcome their traumas, learn the language, deal with asylum issues, and studies the Bible with them. Many women have never been to school. The learning experience creates self-confidence and self-efficacy. Some have not yet claimed the gospel for themselves but feel the effects of God’s love. “I used to be very selfish. Now I can love God and the women here too. I am very grateful to Helping Hands and Operation Blessing for everything they have done and made possible in my life.”

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