This is how we find Rest with God

By Petra Wekesser – CBN Prayer Hotline

Petra“Don’t take it so hard, take it easy. Why are you worrying and thinking so much? Just shake it off.” We’ve probably all heard similar phrases. Well-intentioned words – sometimes said out of helplessness – but they don’t really help.

And you yourself are left with the question of how to do this, how not to take a situation that is difficult for you so seriously. Where do we go when burdens want to crush us? Where do we go with pressure, fear, insecurity and sadness? The more worries pile up inside us, the more dissatisfied and discouraged we become. This can create a breeding ground for doubt. Worry robs us of a lot of strength.

We probably all know the storms of life. I think of the song “Auge im Sturm” (engl: “Eye in the Storm”) by Martin Pepper. It describes how troubled the soul can be, comparable to a troubled sea. He sees how we seek peace and quiet in a noisy world. It is the longing for a quiet place for our heart.

Let us set out to seek this peace and quiet with our Lord. What does God say about this? Is there a recipe? If we look in the Bible, we will find countless passages that give us clues. Let’s take a look at a few together.

Casting your worries on God

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7).

In return, we share our worries with God and trust him. Say it out loud: “I trust in my Lord Jesus Christ! I have faith in God’s promises. God does not lie, he does not forget me, he is faithful.” So the first step is a personal decision.

Walking with God

Listening to God’s advice and getting out of some things is not that easy. But when we walk with God, he also walks with us. He gradually leads us out of thoughts that seem to hold us captive, he brings us out of the daily grind, out of old, even cherished bad habits. Old patterns stand in the way. But God gives the desire for change and freedom – a longing for more! How – the question arises – should I go about it? The simple answer is: just do it and get going, no matter how big the obstacles seem, no matter how mighty the enemy seems, because God is definitely more powerful. Even if the path is still unclear, one thing is certain, it ends with God. In his healing, sheltering arms.

Trusting in words of truth

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

We can trust that God’s promises will come true! It is written in his word and his word is true. If things go wrong, we are devastated and want to give up, then we need the hope and confidence that we can change something about our situation and that there will come better times.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

With faith, we will gradually gain a new perspective. Those who stand on God’s words find their way in this world. In the storm of time. This gives us confidence, deep joy and new hope, and life becomes easier!

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