Said Amm’s First Christmas

Cambodia. For months in 2022, 10-year-old Said Amm Sothea attended the Superbook programs offered by the CBN children’s ministry, Orphan’s Promise in her home village. Jesus had become her best friend during this time. Enthusiasm shone in her eyes when she said this.

She loves the stories that Superbook has in store for her. She always knew that they were meant for her. And she knew that the message wasn’t just for the hour she sat with the kind staff of Orphan’s Promise. “I learned to pray and share that joy with my family back home.” She realizes that this message makes her family more loving. Said Amm therefore learned to trust Jesus more and more.

Then she was able to take part in a Christmas party for the first time: In cooperation with CBN, 150 local churches offered exciting adventure days during Christmas. 5000 children were introduced to the love and joy that Jesus brought to the world – through games, gifts, and the inspiring story of Christmas. Many of these children grow up in difficult conditions.


What Orphan’s Promise is doin in her region


Weihnachten in KambodschaThe children’s charity, Orphan’s Promise has long been active in the community with regular activities. It offers the Superbook events locally, but also numerous practical offers in terms of education, counselling, food provision, discipleship, and support. The staff there are also committed to combating human trafficking. Said Amm especially loved the fact that the door was regularly open to her. She could look forward to it all week. Girls like her are still growing up in circumstances that are characterized by the consequences of political disputes, violent conflicts, and civil wars. Deprivation and worry are constant companions in her family. How fitting is the mission of Orphan’s Promise: We love and serve orphaned and at-risk children. We keep families together. We create opportunities for strong sustainable communities.

And how beneficial it is to make the fullness of the Christmas message clear to young people in these circumstances with a lavish celebration full of joy. 5000 children between the ages of four and 16 experienced the love of Jesus. She told us how overwhelmed she was by the love of Jesus at this celebration. “Jesus came into this world for me and loves me so much.” This love has an impact, changes the way we live together and creates trust.

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