A mother’s heart


“A mother’s heart” – what do you see?

A mother who was present and loving.

Or the opposite.

Physically present but emotionally checked out or not there at all.

Whether it is happy memories, joyful times, disappointment, or extreme sadness – there is a heart that loves you immensely.

Abba Father.

HE is the qualities contained in a mother’s heart.




Unconditional Love.




Written by Deborah Heerwagen – Orphan’s Promise Coordinator

A mother’s heart can be big and squishy and have all the feels or it can be void without an ounce of compassion. I can only speak to the first.

There was a time in my life when I had big ambitions. Absent was the thought of additional room for little humans to occupy my space. In fact, I can recall a time I was convinced I did not want to have children of my own.

Looking back, I can see that period from a different lens. I had my own insecurities and trauma to process before I could imagine being a mother. I was incapable of genuinely loving a child until I dealt with my own unprocessed pain.

By the grace of God, I am now a mother of two and I love my children with a depth of love and sacrifice I did not know I was capable of. The beautiful thing is when we “let go and let God” amazing things are possible. We have the strength to do incredible things when we know where our real strength comes from. The goodness of God is alive and real in a mother’s heart.

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Psalms 23:6




You can read more on this topic in the CBN Bible Reading Plan0 „Motherhood“ in the YouVersion Bible App


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