A wheel full of fortune
Making children smile
The CBN aid organization Operation Blessing has been working together with the children’s aid organization Die Arche for around four years. As a partner of Die Arche, Operation Blessing participates in various events. One highlight was the Christmas party in the Bremerhaven district of Lehe.
According to the Arche, Lehe is one of the poorest districts in Germany. She has been there for a year to provide disadvantaged children with a hot meal, help with their homework, meaningful leisure activities and much more. Above all, she wants to treat these children with love.
At the Christmas party, the children were given a hot meal, they could do arts and crafts, have their faces painted, throw cans and play other games to pass the time. The Operation Blessing team took part in the event with a wheel of fortune. It didn’t take long for a long queue to form in front of it. There were sweets and small gifts to be won, as well as positive reinforcement in the form of “high fives” or words of encouragement. But there was also something for the active children, as the wheel sometimes stopped at the “Sport” section. Then the children were able to do a sporting exercise together with CBN Germany manager Andreas Heerwagen. It was an afternoon full of games, laughter and lots of love and acceptance.
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