A New Beginning for Naserian’s Family
Hope after suffering
After losing her husband, Kenyan Naserian was left to care for her three children Veronica, Cynthia and Bright on her own. She found work at a school run by the CBN aid organization Operation Blessing. This enabled her to provide for her family and look to the future again.
But last year, Naserian’s daughter Cynthia was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She could not afford the urgently needed treatment for the seven-year-old. Once again, Operation Blessing stepped in and covered the costs of Cynthia’s operation, freeing Naserian from medical bills that she could never have paid.
Then, months after Cynthia was discharged from hospital, a third catastrophe occurred: “The tragedy happened on a Sunday,” says Naserian. “While I was in church, I saw people running out one by one. Someone shouted that a house was on fire. Eventually I found out that it was my house that was on fire. I rushed out and found everything destroyed. We had lost everything.” The shock was so great that Naserian had to be supported in order not to collapse. The family had to move into a tiny tin hut.
Although they had lost all their belongings in the fire, the space was too small for the four of them. They shared a single mattress. They had no beds, no clothes and very little to eat. Naserian was forced to cook in the small room and said that the smoke from the open fire caused coughing fits, made it difficult for them to breathe and irritated their eyes.
Naserian despaired of seeing her children suffer like this: “I could do nothing but pray. … I had no land or livestock to sell to earn money to build a new house or to meet my family’s needs. … The burden on my heart was heavy and overwhelming.”
But Operation Blessing took care of Naserian’s family again and built them a new house with a kitchen and bathroom. They also received food, clothing, school uniforms and stationery for the children so that they can continue to attend school.
This spring, Naserian and her children moved into their new, solid house. “When Operation Blessing completed the construction of my house, I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. … I would like to thank Operation Blessing from the bottom of my heart for everything,” says Naserian happily. “May the Lord richly bless the desires of your hearts and the works of your hands. You are truly sent by God.”
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