Hatching Hope for the Future

Hatching Hope for the Future   Your support helps to end generational poverty in Guatemala   Ofelia and her husband were at a crossroads: household expenses continued to rise, while her [...]

The unreasonable God

The unreasonable God and what He teaches us about maternal love   There are things that only I can do. There are many things I have to do and even more I could do. But there is one thing [...]

“God makes my life rich”

“God makes my life rich”   Christof Berneiser has been a partner of CBN for over 12 years. He watches ERLEBT TV, calls the CBN prayer hotline and donates regularly. But he admits [...]

Flood disaster in Spain

Flood disaster in Spain Severe rainfall in Valencia   Extreme weather conditions have caused major damage in Spain, particularly in the Valencia region. The media report well over 200 [...]