Maximum Freedom
– The Intersection of Faith, Freedom, and Healing from Trauma
What real freedom looks like
My journey of healing from trauma and experiencing true freedom from the past has been shaped by two scriptures. They have guided me through moments of profound transformation: 5:16, Confess your sins one to another, the prayer of a righteous man has authority to heal, and John 8:36, who the Son sets free, is free indeed. These verses are intertwined to achieve maximum freedom and have inspired me to advocate for healing and freedom for all who are bound by the chains of their past.
My path of faith and restoration began two decades ago when I had a significant epiphany centered around James 5:16. This verse, which encourages believers to “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed,” initially stirred fear and discomfort within me. The idea of confessing sins to others seemed daunting, especially considering the shame and guilt I carried from past experiences of abuse and trauma.
However, as I contemplated obedience when faced with a healing opportunity, I realized the profound implications of this verse for complete spiritual healing and restoration. Paired with John 8:36, which declares, “Who Son sets you free, will be free indeed,” these verses oNer a holistic understanding of liberation in Christ. The word “indeed” in John 8:36 carries significant weight, symbolizing the complete and unconditional freedom that comes from Christ. It harkens back to the concept of ownership deeds during times of slavery, where freedom meant regaining possession of one’s identity and autonomy. No ownership of any part of you, free in “deed”, nothing held back.
These two powerful passages provide the theological key to unlocking strongholds that hold us back from our full purpose – and keep us zeroed in on the eNects of trauma, rather than how God can use those experiences in powerful ways personally and for others.
The effects of lack of freedom
Through the years, I became increasingly involved in the anti-sex trafficking movement. The staggering statistics – over 50 million people trapped in modern-day slavery, with half of them being women and children subjected to sex trafficking – compelled me to take action. I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of exploitation and abuse on individuals and communities, and I felt called to advocate for their freedom and healing.
Moreover, I became acutely aware of the prevalence of what I call the “orphan spirit” among individuals worldwide. This spirit manifests as a profound sense of identity crisis and disconnection from one’s true self and divine purpose. Research indicates that 1 out of 2 children experience various forms of neglect and trauma, leading to the deadening of their intuition and sense of belonging.
The advent of technology has further compounded these issues, exposing children to harmful influences at increasingly younger ages. The proliferation of pornography and online exploitation has reshaped societal norms and desensitized children to behaviors that were once considered taboo. As a result, children are robbed of their innocence and coerced into a world of addiction and shame, statistically as young as 8-9 years of age.
How the cycle can be broken
Growing up in a family marked by dysfunction and abuse, I struggled to find my identity and voice amidst the chaos. Tragically, the normalization of abuse within my family silenced my suffering, perpetuating a cycle of shame and secrecy. However, through radical divine intervention, the Lord ushered past the traditional forms of healing and into an accelerated trajectory to take full freedom, the deed fully restored, no secrets or shame.
One of my most pivotal moments occurred when I attended a Catholic healing mass, seeking physical and spiritual restoration. Through the unsurpassed power of God and the prayers of a Charismatic priest, I experienced profound emotional and spiritual healing, culminating in the revelation of long-buried secrets and the closure of spiritual doors opened by past trauma. The most unlikely package unlocked doors I hadn’t even realized needed a key.
Today, I am committed to sharing my story and advocating for the healing and liberation of all who are bound by the chains of their past. I am passionate about equipping individuals and communities with the accelerated tools and resources needed to address the root causes of brokenness and usher in a new era of healing and restoration. Together, we can break the cycle of shame and silence, empowering individuals to reclaim their identity and empower the Body to walk to the next level, complete freedom that Christ promised. Free Indeed, shame and secrets fully removed.
In examining the societal impact of brokenness and secrecy, it becomes evident that there is a high price to pay for keeping life-controlling shame, addiction, and not speaking the truth. The cost is living in continual, generational hiddenness, lies, scandal, and the loss of leaders in ministry. We don’t just live broken, we break it forward.
Generational secrets and patterns are repeated until someone breaks the cycle and shatters the silence. Cyclical trauma becomes the norm – but it doesn’t have to. Our spiritual economy, built within the Church, is not sustainable and is on its way to crashing. However, there is hope. The only solution lies in a church that is economically pure and true, the way Christ intended it to be. This is why we need REAL TALK and why it is far time to speak the unspeakable to disarm the enemy’s M.O. When I began to speak out and confess past secrets and traumas, they lost their power. Fear was broken and I saw others around me step into the same freedom because they finally felt a safe, common ground.
My journey of faith, freedom, and healing has been marked by both personal transformation and a deepening commitment to social justice. I have explored the profound implications of James 5:16 and John 8:36, advocating for a holistic approach to healing that integrates faith, community support, and social action. As we confront the root causes of brokenness and injustice, may we continue to strive for a world where all individuals are free to embrace their true identity and walk in the fullness of God’s grace.
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Passionate pioneer and author Elizabeth Good has dedicated her life to helping people follow Jesus. Originally active in the advertising and television industry, she later became an area pastor at Willow Creek Community Church until she founded an organization against forced prostitution, “The Foundation United”, and launched the coaching program REAL TALK, which supports people on the path to healing and experiencing true freedom.